Archive for October, 2008

Semantic Web Dog Food

Posted by admin on October 16th, 2008

Hooray, the spanking new Semantic Web Dog Food site is finally ready for prime time at! The site has been the central repository for conference metadata (people, papers, talks, organisations, etc.) from the major Semantic Web conferences (mainly ISWC and ESWC) in the past years, but so far has lacked a unified, cross-conference interface. Also, because different people had been responsible for generating the data for different conferences, the dataset wasn’t really as well interlinked as it could have been.

Semantic Web Dog Food

Now, with the help of funding from SWSA and the Nepomuk project, Richard Cyganiak, research intern Venkatram Yadav and me have managed to do a lot of data-cleaning and aligning and redo the whole site as a module on top of the Drupal CMS, with the result that everything is now a lot nicer looking, more user friendly, better interlinked and generally speaking cooler. Thanks a lot also to Stéphane Corlosquet, our local Drupal guru here at DERI, who helped us out with a lot of tricky Drupal questions.

Apropos Drupal: There is an interesting discussion going on at the moment in the Drupal community to add RDF export functionality to the Drupal Core system. What it means is basically exporting the Drupal DB as RDF (SIOC, FOAF, etc.). Somehow, our approach is the exact opposite – we export an RDF-DB through Drupal! Both approaches put together in a meaningful way would probably result in a very cool end product!

So, what can the Dog Food site do for you? Here is a list:

  • Browse thousands of people, papers and organisations in your Web browser, …
  • … or in a linked data browser – it’s all linked data!
  • SPARQL to your heart’s content, making use of the named graphs we have established for each event in the database.
  • To support your SPARQL needs, you can also use the snorql tool on the site.
  • Comment and discuss each paper. All papers and comments are good citizens of the SIOC-osphere!
  • Do a full-text search on the data on the site.
  • Enjoy eye-candy like the map of all organisations in the repository (provided we have their geo-coordinates).

I am not Alone

Posted by admin on October 3rd, 2008

I just read a post by Akshay Java which makes me feel less bad about posting so little to this blog. “We have all been there: started a blog and never kept up with it, got busy with other interests or simply do not find enough time to keep up with blogging.” He then goes on to give an analysis of a sample of 50.000 blog posts with respect to the date of their latest update. However, the main message for me is that I am not alone in being a lazy blogger…