After saying goodbye to DERI in my previous post, now it’s time to say a few words about my new job: two weeks ago on the 3rd of October I joined the consulting team at Talis. As a company, Talis has pretty amazing track record of being a market leader in Semantic Web and linked data technology (e.g, through their linked data platform, their Aspire e-learning system and recently through Kasabi). Beyond these products, the consulting team helps clients (see the case studies for a list of previous projects) to learn about the possibilities of the technology, and eventually design and develop individual linked data solutions.

I’m pretty excited about this move – after years in academia, I will finally be able to apply my know-how to real-world problems and use cases of actual, paying customers! And as I said in my previous post: now it is the perfect time to do this, as semantic technologies are more and more moving into the mainstream.

For the coming six months I’ll be based in Birmingham (coincidentally the home of metal!), but will eventually move to Berlin and work from there. Germany is still a little behind in the whole open data movement, but things are happening there as well. See you soon!

Something to say?