Archive for the 'conference' Category

VoCamp Galway 2008

Posted by Knud on December 3rd, 2008

Last week we organised a second VoCamp - a grass roots, BarCamp-style workshop for creating Semantic Web vocabularies - in Galway. The setup was much like the first one in Oxford: we as the organisers provided the room and coffee breaks, but otherwise only set a very basic schedule (start-coffee-lunch-coffee-wrapup). The real action was provided [...]

The Value of Advertising

Posted by admin on November 1st, 2008

So, ISWC2008 is over and I’m back in Galway. What did I learn this year?

There are more and more Semantic Web applications out there, and they are getting slicker and more user-friendly every year. The demo and poster session and the Semantic Web challenges clearly showed that. Some highlights were probably paggr (semantic widgets) by [...]

Semantic Web Dog Food

Posted by admin on October 16th, 2008

Hooray, the spanking new Semantic Web Dog Food site is finally ready for prime time at! The site has been the central repository for conference metadata (people, papers, talks, organisations, etc.) from the major Semantic Web conferences (mainly ISWC and ESWC) in the past years, but so far has lacked a unified, cross-conference interface. [...]

VoCamp Oxford 2008

Posted by admin on September 30th, 2008

I just came back from the first VoCamp, held at Wolfson College in Oxford. It was the first in what will hopefully become a series of small, hands-on, community-driven events where people get together to build and work on vocabularies and ontologies for the Semantic Web. Peter Mika had a nice blog post recently on [...]

Culture and Computer Games 2008

Posted by admin on April 4th, 2008

(Wow, I havn’t been blogging for months…)
Last week I attended really fun and interesting games research workshop at HUMLab, Umeå University in Sweden. Originally, this workshop started out as a get-together of the Truants World of Warcraft guild, but then quickly turned into an actual workshop, with presenters coming from all over Europe and even [...]