Archive for the 'rdfa' Category

VoCamp Galway 2008

Posted by Knud on December 3rd, 2008

Last week we organised a second VoCamp - a grass roots, BarCamp-style workshop for creating Semantic Web vocabularies - in Galway. The setup was much like the first one in Oxford: we as the organisers provided the room and coffee breaks, but otherwise only set a very basic schedule (start-coffee-lunch-coffee-wrapup). The real action was provided [...]

Shift Binaries for Download

Posted by Knud on July 30th, 2007

Shift (as well as Kante and Knoten) have been available as source for a while now, but installing from source is not really a lot of fun if you just want to try it out.
So, now I finally got around to putting together an installer package for Shift, that will just install the binaries on [...]