Archive for the 'shift' Category

Shift for KDE

Posted by Knud on August 8th, 2007

Over at the spanking new SMILE group blog, there is a post about Dragos’s work on porting Shift to KDE, as part of the Nepomuk project. Of course, it’s not quite as slick as on a Mac. ;)

Shift Binaries for Download

Posted by Knud on July 30th, 2007

Shift (as well as Kante and Knoten) have been available as source for a while now, but installing from source is not really a lot of fun if you just want to try it out.
So, now I finally got around to putting together an installer package for Shift, that will just install the binaries on [...]

Go back to start

Posted by Knud on May 31st, 2007

Arggghhhhh… by some unfortunate series of events, I deleted this whole blog. I won’t tell you the long, boring story, just the bottom line: I will have to start over again. The only good thing about it is that it gives me the opportunity to implement some changes I had planned on doing for quite [...]

Another one of those test posts, just to demonstrate how you can use Shift (formerly semiBlog) and SemClip to move data between desktops. The Shift application was written by Knud Möller, and allows you to produce RDFa code from desktop objects, which you can then use to annotate any webpage. E.g., this blog post! The [...]